Tuesday, October 28, 2008


My Imaam
(1975 – 2008)

In the later 70’s after listening to my Imaam over a series of live national telephone broadcasts, a window of opportunity opened up to meet my Imaam face-to-face. Thanks to Allah, the late Sister Bekka Rasul, Muhammad Rasul and I were summoned to meet with him during the taping at a local television studio. Incidentally, the daughters of Sister Bekka and Muhammad Rasul grew up and joined Imaam Warith Deen Mohammed during a later appearance here in Pittsburgh speaking at an event sponsored by the Muslim Students Association at the University of Pittsburgh.

Words are inadequate to document the real impact of my Imaam’s spirit on my life. Suffice it to say he has been the culmination of “The Dynamic African American Soul, the Champion We All Have In Common.” His keen insightful words that I welcomed in my ears gave birth to a starving intelligence for thirty-three years as I traveled throughout the United States seeking knowledge to empower men and women whom no one other than he cared enough about to devote his whole life and mission to remaking minds and hearts to revive human beings that many others had given up on.

My Imaam planted his soul into the fertile soil of thinking people the world over and for that reason a harvest of intelligence, love, compassion, common sense, courage and love of G’d and His Messenger and humanity is growing annually into eternity.

Long Live The Spirit of My Imaam Warith Deen Mohammed.

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